Tasks and Activities

These activities can be undertaken at any point in your apprenticeship during your OTJ time and will support your learning. 

You DO NOT need to submit these as evidence but many of them can be used to support when creating duty and portfolio entries.  

You DO NOT have to complete all of these.  You may complete NONE of them and instead choose other activities to support your learning.

There are 39 single KSB tasks.  Scroll down the page if you’d like more holistic/combined activities.

K1: Conduct a Feedback Session

  • Task: Conduct a detailed feedback session with students on their assignments, focusing on strengths and areas for improvement. To extend this task, immediately schedule follow-up meetings to discuss the feedback’s impact, set specific improvement targets based on the feedback, and explore additional strategies to address areas of improvement.

K2: Curate Learning Resources

  • Task: Review and organise a diverse collection of learning resources to meet varied student needs. Enhance this task by creating a comprehensive guide for colleagues on selecting and adapting these resources, incorporating examples from your curation to demonstrate their effective use in engaging students.

K3: Present on Developmental Stages

  • Task: Prepare and deliver a presentation on the stages of child and youth development, highlighting their implications for teaching practices. Include innovative teaching strategies tailored to various developmental stages, supported by evidence from recent educational research to demonstrate their effectiveness.

K4: Develop a Target-Setting Process

  • Task: Develop a target-setting process for students, focusing on individual learning goals and monitoring progress. As part of this task, organise a workshop for colleagues to share insights into effective target setting, including tools for monitoring progress and strategies for maintaining student motivation and engagement.

K5: Design a Transition Program

  • Task: Create and implement a transition program for students moving from primary to secondary education, focusing on academic and social challenges. Integral to this task is the evaluation of the program’s effectiveness through feedback from students, parents, and teachers, followed by a presentation of findings and recommendations for future improvements at a professional development event.

K6: Integrate Technology in Learning

  • Task: Select and implement technology tools to enhance learning experiences in your classroom, ensuring they align with educational objectives and student needs. Enhance the task by conducting a session to demonstrate safe and effective technology use to students, including a discussion on digital citizenship and the evaluation of the tools’ impact on student engagement and learning outcomes.

K7: Facilitate an Assessment and Feedback Cycle

  • Task: Design and execute a formative assessment activity, followed by providing constructive feedback to learners. Integrate into this task the process of setting specific follow-up targets with students based on their feedback, and hold a reflective session with them to discuss the assessment’s role in their learning progress and future learning strategies.

K8: Conduct Formative Assessments

  • Task: Implement a variety of formative assessment techniques in a learning unit, analyzing their effectiveness in identifying student learning needs and progress. Extend this task by adapting your teaching strategies in real-time based on assessment outcomes, and share insights on the adaptability of these techniques in a team meeting to inform collective teaching practices.

K9: Observe, Record, and Report Learning Behaviors

  • Task: Systematically observe and record students’ learning behaviors during a specific activity, then report your findings to inform teaching and learning strategies. As part of this task, develop a brief action plan based on your observations to address identified needs, sharing this plan with colleagues for feedback and collaborative discussion on intervention strategies.

K10: Analyse Curriculum Implementation

  • Task: Analyse a segment of the curriculum you’re involved with, focusing on its implementation and the intended impact on learners. Deepen this task by identifying areas for curriculum enhancement based on learner feedback and outcomes, proposing these enhancements in a curriculum review meeting, and outlining a plan for integrating research-based innovations into curriculum design.

K11: Apply Safeguarding Practices

  • Task: Review and apply your setting’s safeguarding policies in a series of planned activities, ensuring all learners’ safety and well-being. To deepen your understanding and application, create a reflective log detailing how these practices were implemented, the challenges faced, and the impact on learner safety, culminating in a presentation to peers on safeguarding best practices and lessons learned.

K12: Utilize Teaching Strategies

  • Task: Select and apply diverse teaching strategies tailored to a specific lesson’s objectives, reflecting on their effectiveness with different learner groups. Extend this task by inviting peer observation and feedback on your teaching approach, followed by a collaborative planning session to design an improved, inclusive lesson plan incorporating adaptive teaching strategies based on collective feedback.

K13: Adapt Communication Strategies

  • Task: Implement varied communication strategies across different learning scenarios, evaluating their effectiveness in enhancing learner engagement and understanding. Enrich this task by organizing a professional development workshop for peers, showcasing effective communication techniques, including digital tools and non-verbal strategies, to support diverse learner needs.

K14: Design Learning Interventions

  • Task: Design and deliver a targeted learning intervention for a small group or individual learners, documenting the process and outcomes. Strengthen this task by conducting a detailed analysis of the intervention’s impact, including learner feedback, and share your findings in a case study format during a team meeting, proposing adjustments for future interventions.

K15: Support Learner Well-being

  • Task: Develop and implement strategies to support the well-being and mental health of learners, incorporating referrals to support services as necessary. To expand on this, create a well-being campaign for the school, involving students, staff, and the wider community, and document the planning, execution, and outcomes in a portfolio to share with the school leadership for future initiatives.

K16: Address Academic Behaviors

  • Task: Identify and support diverse academic behaviors in the classroom, employing strategies to promote positive learning habits. Enhance this task by developing a mentorship program pairing older students with younger peers to foster academic skills and resilience, evaluating the program’s effectiveness through participant surveys and academic performance data.

K17: Enrichment Activity Impact

  • Task: Plan and execute an enrichment activity related to the curriculum, assessing its impact on learner engagement and knowledge. Extend this task by integrating feedback mechanisms for students and staff to evaluate the activity, and use this feedback to propose a series of future enrichment activities, outlining a year-long enrichment plan in a presentation to school stakeholders.

S1: Support the Development of Independent Learners

  • Linked K Criterion: K4 (The principles of target setting to support the next steps in learning).
  • Task: Facilitate a target-setting session with students to encourage self-regulation and goal-setting as part of their learning process. Document the strategies used to guide students in setting realistic, achievable goals and reflect on the session to identify improvements for future target-setting activities.

S2: Adapt Communication Strategies for the Audience and Context

  • Linked K Criterion: K13 (How to adapt communication strategies to suit the audience and context).
  • Task: Tailor your communication method and style to meet the needs of different audiences, such as students, colleagues, and parents, in various contexts. Create a portfolio entry that includes examples of adapted communications, the rationale behind each adaptation, and the observed impact on engagement and understanding.

S3: Apply Behaviour Management Strategies

  • Linked K Criterion: K16 (The pastoral and academic behaviours learners will display).
  • Task: Implement a range of behaviour management strategies consistent with organizational policies. Reflect on and document specific instances of their application, including the strategies’ effectiveness in managing classroom dynamics and promoting a positive learning environment.

S4: Adapt Resources to Support All Learners

  • Linked K Criterion: K2 (The learning resources available to support learners and how to use them).
  • Task: Evaluate and modify learning resources to ensure they meet the diverse needs of all students. Provide a detailed account of how resources were adapted, including the inclusion of accessible materials and differentiated content, and assess the impact on learner engagement and achievement.

S5: Communicate with Teachers to Ensure Clarity of the TA’s Role

  • Task: Engage in regular discussions with teachers to clarify your role in classroom delivery and support. Document these interactions, focusing on how they enhance role clarity, teamwork, and the effectiveness of instructional support provided to students.

S6: Apply Teaching Strategies to Deliver Learning Activities or Interventions

  • Linked K Criterion: K12 (Teaching strategies to deliver learning activities and interventions).
  • Task: Select and apply appropriate teaching strategies for delivering specific learning activities or interventions. Reflect on the choice of strategies, their implementation, and the outcomes, including adjustments made to meet learner needs.

S7: Build Relationships with Learners, Teachers, Other Professionals, and Stakeholders

  • Task: Foster positive relationships through proactive communication and collaboration with all members of the school community. Document examples of successful collaboration and its impact on learning outcomes and well-being.

S8: Comply with Legislation, Guidance, and Procedures

  • Linked K Criterion: K11 (Prevent, safeguarding, and health & safety legislation, guidance, and procedures).
  • Task: Demonstrate adherence to legal and procedural requirements in daily practices, including safeguarding and health and safety. Provide a reflective account of how compliance supports a safe and inclusive learning environment, including instances of applying these procedures in real-life scenarios.

S9: Support Well-being

  • Linked K Criterion: K15 (How to support learner’s well-being, mental health, and pastoral needs).
  • Task: Implement strategies and activities aimed at supporting the mental health and well-being of learners. Document the planning, execution, and evaluation of these strategies, including feedback from learners and adjustments made based on this feedback.

S10: Observation, Recording, and Reporting

  • Linked K Criterion: K9 (Methods of observing, recording, and reporting).
  • Task: Conduct detailed observations of students during learning activities, accurately record your findings, and report these observations to inform teaching strategies and interventions. Showcase this skill by compiling a series of observation reports that detail learner engagement, behavior, and progress, and reflect on how these observations informed subsequent teaching and learning strategies.

S11: Apply Methods of Formative Assessment

  • Linked K Criterion: K8 (Methods of formative assessment).
  • Task: Design and implement formative assessments that align with learning objectives. Document the process of creating these assessments, how they were used to gauge student understanding, and adjustments made to teaching based on assessment outcomes. Include examples of the assessments and feedback provided to students.

S12: Technology Use in Learning

  • Linked K Criterion: K6 (How technology can support learning).
  • Task: Integrate technology tools into learning activities and assess their impact on engagement and outcomes. Develop a case study of a particular technology implementation, including the selection process, how it was used in the classroom, student reactions, and the technology’s effectiveness in supporting learning objectives.

S13: Safe Use of Technology

  • Linked K Criterion: Tightly connected with K6 and the emphasis on technology’s role in learning.
  • Task: Educate students on the safe and responsible use of technology, including internet safety and digital citizenship. Create and deliver a workshop or lesson plan on digital safety, documenting the content covered, student activities, and reflections on the session’s effectiveness in enhancing students’ understanding of safe technology use.

S14: Apply Behaviour Management Strategies

  • Linked K Criterion: Aligns with K16 (The pastoral and academic behaviours learners will display) and involves implementing strategies to manage and support these behaviours.
  • Task: Use a variety of behaviour management techniques to create a positive learning environment. Document specific instances where strategies were applied, the rationale behind the choice of strategy, outcomes observed, and reflections on the effectiveness and areas for improvement.

S15: Mental Health First Aid

  • Linked K Criterion: Complements K15 (How to support learner’s well-being, mental health, and pastoral needs).
  • Task: Complete a mental health first aid training program and apply your learning to support students’ mental health in school. Provide a reflective account of a situation where you used mental health first aid, detailing the context, your intervention, and the outcome, while maintaining confidentiality and respecting privacy.

S16: Provide Feedback to Learners

  • Linked K Criterion: K1 (The importance of providing feedback).
  • Task: Develop and implement a structured process for giving constructive feedback to learners that supports their development. Document this process, including how feedback is tailored to individual learners, how learners are encouraged to act on feedback, and the impact of feedback on learner progress.

B1: Professionalism

  • Task: Lead a professional development workshop on a topic relevant to your educational setting, focusing on promoting continuous learning and upholding ethical standards. This task involves researching the topic, preparing and delivering content, and engaging colleagues in discussions and activities. Reflect on the planning and delivery process, the feedback received, and how the experience contributed to your professional growth and the promotion of professionalism in your setting.

B2: Personal and Professional Development

  • Task: Undertake a self-directed learning project aimed at enhancing an area of your professional practice identified as needing development. Document your learning goals, the resources used, activities undertaken, and the application of new knowledge or skills in your practice. Provide a reflective analysis of the project’s impact on your professional capabilities and how it has influenced your approach to teaching and learning.

B3: Working with Others

  • Task: Coordinate a collaborative initiative involving teachers, support staff, and possibly students, aimed at addressing a specific educational challenge or goal within your school. Detail the planning process, how responsibilities were allocated, and the strategies used to facilitate effective teamwork and communication. Analyze the outcomes of the initiative, lessons learned, and how the experience has enhanced your ability to work effectively with others.

B4: Communication and Teamwork

  • Task: Organise and facilitate a series of team meetings or collaborative planning sessions designed to improve an aspect of school operation or student learning experience. Focus on demonstrating effective communication skills, fostering an inclusive environment, and encouraging constructive contributions from all team members. Evaluate the effectiveness of your communication and teamwork strategies, providing examples of successes and areas for improvement.

B5: Valuing Diversity

  • Task: Develop and implement an educational program or series of activities that celebrate diversity and promote inclusivity within the school community. This could involve coordinating with external organizations, sourcing culturally diverse materials, or creating opportunities for students to share their own experiences and cultures. Document the planning and execution process, participant engagement, and the program’s impact on promoting an understanding and appreciation of diversity among students and staff.

B6: Commitment to Safeguarding

  • Task: Conduct a review of current safeguarding practices within your educational setting, identifying areas for enhancement. Lead the development and implementation of a project to address these areas, which might include staff training sessions, updates to policy documents, or initiatives to raise student awareness about safety issues. Provide a comprehensive account of the project from conception to completion, including stakeholder involvement, challenges encountered, and evidence of the project’s contribution to strengthening the safeguarding culture in your setting.

You may prefer to do some tasks that tackle multiple KSBs at once.

Create a comprehensive support plan for a student with SEN:

KSBs: K3, K5, K9, K11, K13, K15, K16, S1, S7, S9, S13, S14, S15, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6 .

This activity is aligned with creating an inclusive and supportive environment, understanding and supporting learners’ wellbeing, mental health, pastoral needs, and the principles of effective intervention and teaching strategies.

Create a personalised checklist for a student with dyslexia or dyspraxia:

KSBs: K13, S5​​.

This activity is particularly relevant to adapting communication strategies and understanding the needs of learners with specific learning difficulties.

Create a comprehensive plan to measure and monitor progress for children with SEN:

KSBs: K1, K4, K7, K8, K9, K10, K13, K14, K15, K16, S1, S4, S5, S6, S10, S11, S14, S16, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6​​.

This maps to the use of assessment and feedback cycles, observation and recording methods, and the implementation of well-being strategies.

Create a comprehensive plan for utilising teaching assistants in the classroom:

KSBs: Relevant KSBs can be deduced from guidance on effective TA deployment, including ensuring TAs supplement but do not replace teachers, help pupils develop independent learning skills, and are fully prepared for their role​​.

Create a visual representation of the Zones of Regulation:

KSBs: K15, S9​​.

This supports learners’ wellbeing and mental health through effective communication and behavioural management strategies.

Create a plan for involving specialists and outside agencies for pupils with SEN:

KSBs: Specialist support aspects from interventions and specialist support considerations​​.

This includes understanding when to seek external specialist support and integrating it effectively with school provision.

Create a one-page profile for a child or young person:

KSBs: B1, B2, B3​​.

This focuses on building professional relationships, serving as a role model, and promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion.

Create a language and communication support plan:

KSBs: K13, S2​​.

Tailoring communication strategies to support engagement and progress in learning.

Create a support plan for a student with SEN, including specific interventions and desired outcomes:

KSBs: A tiered approach to support (whole-class teaching, targeted interventions, specialist support) could be relevant here, along with considering the effectiveness of interventions​​.

Create a personalised behaviour chart for a student:

KSBs: S3, B1-B6​​.

This relates to applying behaviour management strategies in line with organizational policy and reflecting on their effectiveness.

Create a behaviour management plan for a student to address aggressive behaviour:

KSBs: S3, K15, B1-B6​​.

Focus on managing misbehaviour, supporting good classroom behaviour, and adopting evidence-based interventions for behavioural management.

Create a plan to implement an early intervention program:

KSBs: Considerations from evaluating the effectiveness of interventions and ensuring they are well-matched to learners’ needs​​.

Create a comprehensive plan to advocate for the implementation of nurture groups in schools:

KSBs: This could draw on strategies for improving the overall quality of teaching, targeted support, and ensuring the inclusion and engagement of all learners, particularly those with SEND​​.

Create a behaviour management plan for a student to address disruptive behaviour in the classroom:

KSBs: S3, K15, B1-B6​​.

This involves understanding and applying effective behaviour management strategies and considering the broader impact on learning and classroom dynamics.

Create a step-by-step guide for students on how to use highlighted lines to improve their writing:

KSBs: K7, S2, B1.

Develop a guide that uses color-coded highlighting to help students organize their thoughts and improve their writing’s coherence.

Create a set of coloured paper or plastic wallets for students to use as a background for their work and observe if it improves their reading experience:

KSBs: K2, S4, B5.

Provide students with colored backgrounds for their reading material to potentially enhance focus and readability, and assess the impact on their engagement and comprehension.

Create a multi-sensory activity to teach students how to break down words into syllables and rebuild them:

KSBs: K14, S1, B4.

Design an interactive activity involving visual, auditory, and kinesthetic elements to help students understand syllable division and word construction.

Create a colour-coded highlighting system to identify the basic ordering ideas (when, where, characters, and events) in a passage:

KSBs: K8, S11, B3.

Implement a system where students use different colours to highlight key components of a text, aiding in comprehension and retention of the material.

Create a step-by-step guide for teaching students how to spell complex words using syllabification and rhythmic repetition:

KSBs: K17, S6, B2.

Develop a guide that employs breaking words into syllables combined with rhythm and repetition to enhance students’ spelling skills for complex vocabulary.