Portfolio Entry – XXXX



Remember portfolio entries are like coursework – it just isn’t graded.  They focus on specific KSBs and are used by the end-point assessor to generate a conversation during your final assessment.

You MUST cover the stated KSBs thoroughly.  This is your chance to showcase.

Portfolio entries cannot be ‘reflective journals’.  Instead they need to be about your work and are a collection of evidence items that illustrate the KSBs.



  • B4: Reflective Practice

  • B5: Engagement with Research


The Portfolio Entry for Professional Development encapsulates a multi-faceted approach to continuous learning and improvement within the educational landscape. Central to this portfolio is the cultivation of reflective practice (B4), a process through which you critically evaluate your interactions, methodologies, and overall performance. This introspective journey is enriched by the integration of feedback mechanisms, wherein constructive criticism from peers, mentors, and supervisors serves as a catalyst for professional growth and refinement.

Complementing this reflective odyssey is an active engagement with research (B5), a practice that underscores the importance of grounding teaching methodologies in evidence-based strategies. Through the deliberate consumption of educational literature, participation in professional development courses, and attendance at relevant workshops or conferences, you fortify your instructional repertoire with the latest pedagogical insights.

This portfolio entry demands not only an inward reflection on personal practice and responsiveness to feedback but also an outward orientation towards the adoption of research-informed strategies. The implementation of these strategies (B4, B5) is pivotal in enhancing the delivery of support to learners, ensuring that you remain at the forefront of educational innovation and effectiveness.

In essence, this Professional Development Portfolio Entry fosters a culture of continuous learning and adaptation. This portfolio embodies a commitment to professional excellence, underscoring the role of teaching assistants as lifelong learners and innovators in education.



Professional Development Log: A detailed record of professional development activities, including dates, titles of workshops, courses, or conferences attended, and key takeaways from each. This log should also note any educational literature or research articles read, emphasising how these resources have influenced or could influence your teaching strategies.